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About Us

I.S.P. Industry Sales Promotion Ltd

founded in 1977, is an exclusive representative of leading international companies operating in the Aerospace, Military, Defense and Industrial markets in Israel.

Extensive experience with the Aerospace & Defense markets

I.S.P has accumulated over 30 years of experience in supplying a wide range of advanced systems and parts and represents the most prominent Aerospace and Military manufacturing companies in the field. Our in-depth market knowledge and expertise in the field of Aerospace and Defense is leveraged to meet the needs of our customers. We proactively take part in our customer's projects, programs, long term plans and strategies in order to provide them customized products tailored to their needs.

Wide range of products and services

I.S.P supplies a wide range of Aerospace, Military & Industrial products and systems, including:

Structural assemblies and sub assemblies
Hydraulic systems and components
Pneumatics components
Mechanical, Electro-mechanical components and systems
Composite materials and plastics
Spare parts and overhauling
Home Land Security Systems

We take pride in our extensive list of customers, including IAI, Elbit Systems, Rafael, IDF, IMI and more.

ISP puts much emphasis on quality assurance – company is certified ISO9001:2008

The company consists of four major divisions:

1. Aerospace and Defense systems division
2. Aerospace Systems Civil – Military
3. International Marketing General Commerce
4. Inventory Management and Warehouse

Among the companies we are representing in Israel are ITT Aerospace Controls, Crissair Inc., Pneudraulics, BE Aerospace, Crouzet, NHBB New Hampshire Ball Bearings (all divisions), Esterline – Kirkhill and TA Divisions, Greene Tweed, Kaman Aerospace Helicopter Division, BTL machine and others.

Sales Engineering Capabilities

Our team of Sales engineers is capable to assist our clients in their development process of new systems and products. We leverage our in-depth understanding of mechanical, electro-mechanical and structural systems for defense applications and military and civil aviation to the benefit of our customers.

Some of our customers in Israel: IAI – Israel Aerospace Industries, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, Elbit Systems, Ministry of Defense, IMI - Israel Military Industries, Ashot Ashkelon, IAF - Israeli Air Force, IDF – Israel Defense Forces, Intel.

I.S.P. - Industry Sales Promotion Ltd. offices are located in Rishon LeZion, in the suburb of Tel- Aviv.

Street Address: 1 Lishansky St., New Industrial Zone, Rishon LeZion 75650, Israel
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 500, Rishon LeZion 7510401, Israel
Telephone 972-3-951-3333
Fax:  972-3-951-4444
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